Documents relating to the granting of
lands to Loyalists in the Province of Quebec (includes present day Quebec and
Edward Kipp
2011Source: Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
MG40 B8: Instructions to governors for
Quebec, Lower Canada and Upper Canada.
LAC mf H-2952. File 2 and File 4. PP
Additional Instruction of 7th
Aug. 1783. Recd 17th Novr
over Land from Halfx.Concerning the allotment of lands to the Officers of the Provincial Troops
[P.2] Public Archives Canada stamp
Instruction to Our Trusty and Wellbeloved Frederick Haldimand Esqre Our
Captain General and Governor in Chief of Our Province of Quebec in America, or
to the Commander in Chief of the said Province for the time being. Given at Our
Court at St. James the Seventh day of August 1783. In the Twenty Third Year of
Our Reign.
by Our additional Instruction to you bearing date the 16th day of
July last you are authorized and impowered to allot certain portions of Land
within the Seigneuries to be surveyed and laid out in the Province of Quebec by
virtue of the said Instruction, and to remain vested in Us, Our Heirs and
Successors, to such of the non-commissioned Officers and Privates of Our
Forces, who should be reduced in Our said Province. And whereas we are desirous
of[P. 4]
of testifying Our entire approbation of the Loyalty, Sufferings and Services of the Commissioned Officers of Our Provincial troops who may be so reduced. It is therefore Our Will and Pleasure that upon application of such of the said Commissioned Officers who shall be willing immediately to settle and improve Lands in Our said Province, you do allot such part of the Seigneuries to be surveyed and laid out as aforesaid in the following proportions, that is to say
every Field Officer 1000
every Captain 700
acresTo every Subaltern, Staff 500 acres
or Warrant Officer
of fifty acres for each person of which the family of such Officer shall
consist, to be held of Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, Seigneurs, upon the same
terms, acknowledgements, Services, reserved Rents and Remissions as in the said
recited additional Instruction are mentioned and expressed.
it is Our Will and Pleasure that where the same is practicable that the
Allottments of the non-commissioned Officers and Privates of each Provincial
Corps to be reduced in Our said Province under Our said additional Instruction
shall be in the same Seigneuries, and as contiguous as may be, and that the
Allottments to the Commissioned Officers by virtue of this Our Instruction
shall be interspersed therein, that the several Settlements may be thereby
strengthened and united, and in case of attack be defended by
[P. 5]
who have been accustomed to bear Arms and serve together.
whereas many of Our Loyal and deserving Subjects have taken arms and associated
themselves in the Provinces, now the United States of America, for the support
of Our Government and Authority under the name of associated Loyalists without
being put upon any particular Establishment, many of whom may take refuge in
Our Province of Quebec. It is Our Will and Pleasure that the Commissioned and
Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates of the said associated Loyalists shall
be in every respect entitled to the same Allottments of Land and every
Encouragement intended and given by Our said and recited additional Instruction
to the Non-commissioned Officers and Privates of Our Forces who shall be
reduced in Our said Province and by this Our Instruction to the Commissioned
Officers of Our Provincial Force who shall be so reduced.
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