Monday, August 3, 2015

World Connect Databases

I would like to remind everyone that my databases, including sources and references where I have them, are all available on World Connect.

Families of Isaac Kipp & Mathes Link
In the "jump to a specific database" field type -   kipp_link
Use the index to find who you are interested in.

This file includes:
The Descendants of Isaac Kipp and Hannah Meed of New York and Oxford County, Ontario.
The Descendants of Mathes Linck and Maria Magdalena Krafft of Germany, New York and Upper Canada.
The file also includes many cousins from New Amsterdam (New York), New Jersey and New England.
My Loyalist connections are included.

The Kip/Kipp Family of New Amsterdam (New York)
In the "jump to a specific database" field type -   edwkipp8
Use the index to find who you are interested in.

The Hendricksen (Kip) family emigrated to New Amsterdam (now New York) between 1637 & 1643 from Holland where they had lived for several generations.

My website

My Blog

If you have any additions or corrections to anything I have posted please contact me at


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