National Archives Probate # and Image Reference #
Will of Sir Frances Baildon of Medley, Yorkshire 23 November 1622 PROB 11/140 Image Reference 596/553 (Part 1) and 596/554 (Part 2)
[Transcribed by Elizabeth Kipp]
Recorded: 2 August 2011
Source: Public Record Office, London, UK, # 553, 554
Place: Medley, West Riding of Yorkshire
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 5 Nov 1615
Read: File d:/01-wip/workingfile/family/kipp/Wills/Baildonwill01.pdf
Condition: Bastard Secretary hand, good copy
[In margin] T[estator]e Francisce Baildon ______
1 In the name of God Amen
2 The fifthe daye of November in the yeare of oure sovereigne Lord
3 James by the grace of God of England Fraunce and of Scotland kinge de
4 fender of the faithe & the thirtenth and of Scotland the nyne and fourtithe
5 anno yz d[o]m[in]i 1615 I S[i]r Frauncis Baildon of Medley in the Countye of
6 yorke knighte beinge sounde of Body and, whole and perfect in mynde & memorye
7 praysed be God for the same notw[i]thstandinge (beinge ignorant of the daye
8 of my deathe, and uncertaine of my departure oute of his lyfe) doe ordaine
9 constitute and make this my last Will and Testament in manner & forme following
10 Firste I render and freelie give up my Soule into the mercifull handes of God
11 that gave it, in certaine hope at the generall resurrection throughe the only
12 merritts of Jesus Christe to be received amongste the number of Gods faithfull
13 and elect children. And my body to be buryed where it shall please God to call
14 me Item I doe give unto Dame Anne my wel[l ]beloved wief and to her assignes
15 all that my half p[ar]te of the Parke in Snaith and Cowike called Phippinge
16 Parke, the herbage, and Pawnage thereof as it is nowe occupied by me my
17 Ten[a]nts or assignes To have and to houlde the sayd halfe p[ar]te of the sayd p[ar]te
18 and the sayd herbage and Pawnage unto the said Dame Anne & her assignes
19 for & duringe the Terme of the yeares ymmediatelie followinge next after my
20 decease And to have and to houlde the said halfe p[ar]te of the said Parke and
21 the herbage and Pawnage thereof after the expira[t]ion of the said three years
22 unto the sayd Dame Anne my wief for and duringe all that Terme of ye[a]res
23 and for all those yeares that I have and shal[l ]be then unexpired in the same
24 contayned in twoe severall Indentures of desmise thereof made by the late late
25 Queene Elizabeth and by oure Sov[er]eigne Lorde the kinge that nowe is under
26 the seale of the Dutchyes of Lancaster (yf the said Dame Anne shall soe longe
27 live.) The sayd Dame Anne and her assignes yeildinge and payenge for the same
28 th[e ]one halfe of the Rents and payments in the sayd Indentures referred and con
29 teyned and doeinge and performinge suche covenannts and agreaments as on the part
30 and behalf of me the sayd Sir Frauncis or other the Leases in either of the sayd
31 Indentures retained are to be done and performed Item I give and bequeathe
32 unto the sayd Dame Anne my wief and her assignes all that Terme of ye[a]res
33 w[hi]ch
[page 2]
34 w[hi]ch I have to come and shal[l ]be at my deathe unexpired in certaine Landes and Tente[ments]
35 in the Field and meadowes of Cowike and Snaith contayned and specified in an Inden
36 ture of Demise to me thereof nowe by one William Goldred yf shee live soe longe
37 and fouer acres of medowe in Snaith in the countye of Yorke To have and to
38 houlde in the sayd fouer acres of Meadowe to the sayd Dame Anne and her
39 assignes for and duringe the Termes of her n[atur]all lyfe. Item I doe give unto Fra[u]ncis
40 Bayldon my Graundechilde sonne of my sonne Frauncis deceased all that my capitall
41 messuage or Tenement in Kippax aforesayd called Kippax Hall scituate lyenge
42 beinge in Kippax in the countye of Yorke And all that my Messuage or Tenem[ent]s
43 in Kyppax aforesayd laste in the tenure of Thomas Taylor w[i]th all the buyldings
44 uppon either of them buylded Together w[i]th all and singuler the Landes, Meadowes
45 Pastures Beastgates and Feedings w[hi]ch are Freehoulde to either of the said mess[auge]s
46 belonginge or apperteyninge or otherwise used or occupied as p[ar]te of parcell
47 thereof w[hi]ch all and singuler the appurtenances proffitts and comodities in Kippax
48 aforesayd To have and to houlde the one halfe of the sayd twoe Messuages and
49 other premisses ymmediatelye after my decease And the other halfe p[ar]te of the
50 sayd twoe messuages and other the premisses in rever[s]ion after the deathe of Eli
51 zabethe nowe wief of William Powe and and mother of the said Frauncis to the use
52 and beheese of the sayd Frauncis Bayldon my sonne and the heires males of his
53 body lawfully begotten. And for defaulte of suche yssue to remayne to the heires
54 males of the Body of me the sayd S[i]r Frauncis lawfully begotten And for de
55 aulte of to remayne to the right heires of me the sayd [S]ir Frauncis Bayldon
56 for[ev]er. Item whereas I have already surrendred my coppyhould Landes and Tenem[en]ts
57 in Kippax into the handes of the Lords of the Mannor thereof by the handes of
58 Thomas Pease and Henrye Benson twoe customarye Ten[a]nts of the sayd
59 Mannor to the uses and beheeses of my last Will and Testament and accordinge
60 to the trewe intent and meaninge of my last Will and Testament exceptinge
61 onto of the sayd Surrender one Crofte or Garth lyenge next Kippax hall
62 aforesayd late Foisters Three Roades in Kippax field abuttinge uppon the
63 wall of the sayd crofte An twoe Beaste gates in Kippax O & close. My intent
64 and will and meaninge is that the sayd crofte or Garth adioynninge to Kip-
65 pax hall and the sayd last recited premisses in the sayd Surrender excepted
66 shall descend remayne and come accordinge to the custome of the sayd Mannor
67 to the use and behesse of the sayd Frauncis Bayldon my Grandchilde & his
68 heires forev[er]. Item I give and bequeathe to my said Grandchilde Frauncis
69 Bayldon and his assignes the one entier halfe of the commodities & proffitts
70 yearelie arysinge of the coales and coalepitts of Kippax aforesayd To be
71 taken and received for him by his Tutor or Guardian after the ende and
72 Terme of Five yeares next after my decease from thence duringe all that
73 tyme that my interest and Righte in the sayd coales and coalepitts shall con
74 tynewe and endure And my will is that Guardian or Tutor shall shall ac
75 compte unto him when he shall accomplishe the age of one and twenty yeares of
76 the yssues and proffitts of the sayd coales and coalepitts and the same & fi[r]st
77 ymploye and bestowe towardes the buyldinge of a convenient house for the
78 sayd Frauncis Bayldon at Kippax aforesayd for the better efortinge w[h]ereof
79 I give to the sayd Frauncis Bayldon all my tymber of Kippax and elsewhere
80 to be ymployed in that Buyldinge and to noe other purpose Provided allwayes
81 and uppon condi[t]ions that yf the sayd Frauncis Bayldon shall clayme any
82 Rights, tytle or interest in any my Landes, Tenements, Leases, Goodes or
83 other things of myne after my decease other then in this present last will & testam[en]t
84 as given and appoynted unto him, or that he his Guardian or Tutor doe
85 hinder
[page 3]
86 hinder or disturbe any of the other Leases of the sayd coalepitts or theire assignes
87 duringe the terme in Sir William Slingsbye's Lease thereof contayned Then
88 my will is that this guifts of the proffitts of the coales and coalepitts to him shal[l ]be
89 utterlye voyde. And the same to be disposed of by my sayd Supervisors or the
90 survivor of them Or if the sayd Frauncis Bayldon his Tutor or Guardian
91 shall ymploye the above men[t]ioned tymber to any other use then to the Buyldinge of
92 a house (as it is aforesayd) Then my will is that this guyfte of the Tymber to him
93 alsoe shal[l ]be voyde and to be lykewise disposed on by my sayd Supervisors or the
94 survivor of them And soe allwayes as the sayd Frauncis Bayldon shall paye and
95 discharge his propor[t]ionable rate of the Rente and other things yearelie and from
96 tyme to tyme due to be payde for the same. Item my will is that for the other
97 halfe of my p[ar]te of the proffitts of the coalepitts and coales at Kippax aforesayd That
98 after the Terme and space of five yeares next after my decease be expired my
99 executors hereafter named shall take and receive the proffitts thereof for soe longe
100 tyme till the sayd proffitts doe aryse and come to the Somme of Twoe hundred
101 marcks of currant englishe monye Whiche sayd Somme I will that my sayd
102 executors or the survivors of them shall equallye divide and paye to Gilbert
103 Bayldon second sonne of my sonne Francis and to Margarett Bayldon daught[e]r
104 of my sayd sonne Frauncis for theire por[t]ions to be then putt foorthe for them
105 for theire best advantage And after the sayd Five yeares from my deathe be
106 expired the sayd Twoe hundred marcks be received Then I give that sayd
107 halfe p[ar]te of my proffitts of the sayd coales and coalepitts of Kippax
108 aforesayd to Richard Bayldon, Cutbert Bayldon, Martyn Bayldon, Henrye
109 Bayldon, and Thomas Bayldon, my sonnes, and their assignes, duringe my
110 whole Terme theron. The sayd executors for their tyme, and the sayd
111 Richard Bayldon, Cutbert, Martyn, Henrye, and Thomas Bayldon and their
112 assignes (duringe their tyme payinge and discharginge their propor[t]ionable
113 rate of the Rents payments and charge yearelie and from tyme to tyme due
114 for the same). And for one Messauge and Tenement in Kippax aforesayd in
115 place there called Mabbland late the Messuage of William Prince and all
116 the Landes and Tenements, Meadowes, Pastures, and Pasture gates thereto
117 belonginge in Kippax aforesayd being coppyhould of the sayd
118 beinge alsoe in the above men[t]ioned Surrender contayened my Will intent and
119 meaninge is to and for the sayd Messuags, Landes, Tenements, Meadowes
120 Pastures and Pasture gates last recited the sayd Surrender shall endure and
121 be accepted and taken to be to the use and beheese of William Powe of Kippax
122 aforesayd and Elizabeth his wief and their assignes for and duringe the
123 Terme of the lives naturall of the sayd William Powe and Elizabeth his
124 wief and the survir[o]r of them And after their decease, Then the sayd Surrend[e]r
125 (as to the sayd last men[t]ioned Messuage and premisses) to be to the use and beheese
126 of Cutbert Bayldon, and Martin Bayldon my sonnes and their heires forever
127 Item I give to the same William Powe and Elizabeth his wief the occupa[t]ion
128 of soe muche of the desmised Landes of Kippax it was nowe occupied wi[t]h the
129 sayd Messuages and Landes that were late William Princes and are last men
130 [t]ioned in those pu[rchas]es to be occupied by them duringe all that my tearme of
131 yeares w[hi]ch shal[l ]be in the sayd demeasnes at my deathe unexpired yf they
132 the sayd William Powe and Elizabeth his wife lyve soe longe They the
133 sayd William Powe and Elizabeth his wief aswell doeinge the Service of
134 Courte and payinge the yearlie costs for the above men[t]ioned coppyhould
135 as also payinge the Rente and payments for the sayd p[ar]te of the demesnes
136 due during theire whole Terme Provided allwaies that the sayd William
137 Powe and Elizabeth his wief (ymmediatelie after my decease) shall well and
138 sufficientlie
[page 4]
139 sufficientlye in the lawe so weighe and assure to Cutbert Bayldon and Martyn
140 Bayldon my Sonnes and theire assignes all that the Righte tytle and int[er]est of
141 of the sayd William Powe and Elizabeth his wife in all and any the Freehold
142 Landes Tenements Messuages Meddowes or Pastures of me the sayd Sir Fran
143 cis Bayldon in Kippax aforesaid Whiche if they shall not doe uppon request
144 to either of them By any of my Supervisors or the sayd Martin or Cutbert Bayl
145 don made Then I will my meaninge and intent is that the sayd Surrender shall
146 not e__e nor be to the use and beheelse of them the sayd William Powe &
147 Elizabeth his wife but is to my use limitted or by these p[ar]ts to them declared
148 shal[l ]be utterlye voyde to them and of noe effect But shal[l ]be accepted reputed
149 and taken as and become voyde. Item I give and bequeathe unto the abovenamed
150 Cutbert Bayldon and Martin Bayldon and theire assignes all that my Terme
151 of yeares and interest that shal[l ]be after my deathe unexpired in my p[ar]te of the
152 Demis[e]d Landes of Kippax aforesayd (the firste Five yeares after my decease
153 excepted) Together also with soe many of the yeares unexpired in the sayd
154 Lease of the sayd Demeasnes after the decease of the sayd William Powe &
155 Elizabeth his wife (if any suche fall oute to be in that p[ar]te of the demeasnes
156 nowe occupied w[i]th the Landes and Messuages late William Princes. The
157 sayd Cutbert Bayldon and Martin Bayldon their executors administrators and
159 assignes, payenge and dischargeinge the Rents, payments and dueties yearlye
159 due of that my sayd p[ar]te of my demeasnes of Kippax in the sayd Lease conteyned
160 Item further my Will and meaninge is that whereas (as before in those p[_]ts
161 it is sayd) I have surrendred up in the handes of the Lord of the Mannor of
162 Kippax by the handes of Thomas Pease and Henrye Benson according to to
163 the custome of the sayd Mannor all my coppyhoulde Landes and Tenements in
164 Kippax aforesayd (except before excepted) to suche use and uses beheese and Be
165 heeses intents and purposes as shal[l ]be in the last Will of me the sayd Frauncis
166 Bayldon limitted nominated and appoynted and accordinge to the true intent
167 and meaninge of the last Will and Testament of me the Frauncis Bayl
168 don in wrightinge made as by the sayd Surrender of Recorde in the Courte
169 Rolle of the Courte of the sayd Mannor dothe and maye appeare My trewe
170 intent will and meaninge is that the sayd Surrender (as to and for all those
171 my coppyhould messuages, Landes, and Tenements, Meddowes, and Pastures
172 in Kippax aforesayd, not before, in this present last Will and Testament no
173 minated, limitted and disposed shall be and cauce to be accepted, reputed and
174 taken to be to the use and behesse of the sayd Cutbert Bayldon and Martyn
175 Bayldon and their heires & assignes forever exceptinge firste Five yeares after my
176 decease duringe w[hi]ch tyme by the true intent and meanninge of this my last
177 will and Testament the proffitts of the sayd last mem[t]ioned coppyhold shal[l ]be
178 received and taken by the Supervisors hereafter named to be disposed of as on
179 those p[_]ts after limitted. Item I give and bequeathe to Richard Bayldon and
180 Henrye sonnes, and theire heires, all that the Tythes of Corne and Grayne
181 yearelie renewinge, rysinge and fallinge to be due within the Towneshippe or
182 Lordeshippe of Kippax aforesayd and within the demeasnes thereof And all
183 that the Tythe of Wooll and Lambes yearelie renewinge and falling to be
184 and w[i]thin the Parrishe of Kippax aforesayd to have and to houlde the sayd
185 Tythes of Corne and Grayne of Wooll and Lambes in Kippax the demesnes
186 and Parrishe thereof as is severallye before limitted unto the sayd Richard
187 Bayldon and their heires and assignes under the Rents and paymentes thereout
188 due and payable Provided allwayes and my Will nevertheless is that he the
169 sayd Richard Bayldon nor Henrye Bayldon nor either of them nor theire
190 assignes shall not enter nor intermeddle w[i]th the sayd Tythes or any p[ar]te of
191 them
[page 5]
192 them duringe the space and Terme of Five yeares next after my decease duringe
193 w[hi]ch tyme my Will is that my Supervisors shall take and receive the proffitts thereof
194 to be bestowed as hereafter in these p[_]ts is appoynted. Item I give and bequeathe to
195 Thomas Bayldon my sonne and his heires the Reversion after the decease of
196 Barwike of all those my Messuages, Cottages, Landes, and Tenements in Cad
197 bey in the County of Yorke. And alsoe all that my Tenements Messuages or Te
198 nement w[i]th divers Landes, and Tenements, thereunto belonginge in Erringdon
199 in the County aforesayd called Erringdon Parke, w[hi]ch I purchased of Mr Red
200 head and for w[hi]ch I have his Bond for to generall warrant And alsoe that my
201 Messuage or Tenement in Slabon in the County of Yorke w[i]th all the Landes
202 Tenements, Meadowes, Commons, and appurtenances thereunto belonginge w[hi]ch I pur
203 chased of William Gildred. And one Wyndmylire in Stamford in the the Lord
204 shippe of Hatfield and Countye aforesayd in the tenure of Henrye Parkin
205 gent[leman] Together also w[i]th the Reversion of Fouer acres of Meadowe in Snaithinge
206 in the Countye of Yorke after the decease of the above named Dame Anne my
207 wief and also the Advowson, Dona[t]ion, and Presenta[t]ion of and to the p[ar]ishe
208 Churche of Leathlye in the Countye of Yorke w[i]thall and singuler theire appur
209 tenaunces and commodities to them or any of them belonginge To have and to houlde
210 all and everie the above men[t]ioned premisses in Cadby, Eringden, Stanton Stam
211 ford Leathly and Snaith, aforesayd to the sayd Thomas Baildon his heires
212 and assignes forev[er]. And I have alsoe Surrendred into the handes of the Lordes of
213 Mannor of Snaith in myne owne person in the Courte to the handes of Robert
214 Haneton Deputy, Stuard of the sayd Mannor twoe _osbs in Snaith late Robert
215 Thwaytes to the use of my sayd sonne Thomas and his heires forev[er]. And if the
216 sayd Dame Anne my wief dye before the ende of the Terme of yeares that I
217 have by demise from William Geldred of certaine Landes, and Meadowes in
218 Snaith and Cowike Then I give and bequeathe the residue of the yeares therein
219 then unexpired to my sayd sonne Thomas and his assignes. And I give to him alsoe
220 all my interest in my twoe Leases in Swanland w[i]th the Rente theron reserved and
221 payable to me or my assignes during my whole Term therein. And further whereas
222 one Thomas Colbye gent and Cuthberd Bayldon my sonne are (in truste) to my
223 use interested in a reversion of Terme of yeares of divers and severall Landes and Ten[ement]s
224 in the Countye of Lincolne of the demise and Graunte of Sir John Mullyneux
225 knighte and Baronett, and Sir Gervace Clifton Knighte and Baronett, Sir
226 Edward Tirwhitt and me the sayd Sir Frauncis Bayldon knighte, defeasable
227 and become payde uppon the payment of the Somme of Eleaven hundred pound
228 by the sayd Edward Tirwhit or his heires to me the sayd Sir Frauncis
229 Bayldon, my executors, administrators and assignes uppon the Feaste daye of
230 St Michaell the Archangell w[hi]ch shal[l ]be in the yeare of oure Lorde God one
231 Thousand Six hundreth and Seventene. My Will is that if the sayd Sir Edward
232 Tyrwhit or his heires accordinge to an Indenture of Defeasance thereof made
233 be ready and willinge to paye the sayd somme of eleaven hundred pounds as in
234 the sayd Indenture of Defeazance is contayned That then he shall paye to the
235 handes of my sayd Supervisors only the Somme of a Thousand poundes
236 together w[i]th the interest of the sayd Thousand poundes And the other & the
237 other hundred I doe therby forgive unto him And I do by this my present last
238 Will and Testament give full power and authoritie to my Supervisors to re
239 ceyve the sayd Somme of One Thousand poundes with the interest thereof at
240 the handes of the sayd Sir Edwarde Tirwhit or his heires and him thereof to
241 Acquitt, and discharge, Whiche sayd Somme of one Thousand pounds w[i]th the In
242 terest thereof soe by them received I will shal[l ]be disposed of as followeth. Firste
243 whereas I intende to my daughter Meriell Bayldon Five hundreth poundes or more
244 for
[page 6]
245 for her por[t]ion and have already taken certayn Bonds in her name My will is that
246 soe muche of the sayd somme of a Thousand poundes soe to be received of the sayd Sir
247 Edward Tyrwhitt as will w[i]th the principall in the sayd Bonds in her name taken
248 make up for her the somme of five hundreth poundes be payde to my sayd daughter
249 Meryell Bayldon uppon the receipte thereof and to be putt oute for her best use
250 And further my Will is and I doe give to Sir Henrye Gudricke of Rybstone Knighte
251 the Somme of fouer hundreth poundes parcell of the sayd Thousand poundes To
252 be by him disposed of towardes the maynteynance of my daughter Clare Keghley
253 wife of Laurence Kighley and of her childe and to the use of the childe shee nowe
254 hathe after my sayd daughters decease. And the rest of the sayd Thousand poundes
255 and the whole interest thereof my Will is that it be divided amongste my five
256 Sonnes, Richard, Cutbart, Martyn, Henrye, & Thomas Bayldon. But if the
257 sayd Sir Edward Tyrwhitt or his heires doe not paye, or cause to be pa[i]de the sayd
258 somme of a Thousand poundes together w[i]th the Interest thereof to my sayd Supervisors
259 (as is aforesayd) Then my will is that the sayd lease be soulde by my sayd Super
260 visors and the monye thereof arysinge to be disposed of by them in suche manner and
261 forme as to suche persons and purposes, as is before limitted in the disposinge of the
262 abovemen[t]ioned Thousand poundes w[i]th the interest thereof. And whereas I have ex
263 cepted oute of the severall former guyftes, and Bequests, that the severall p[ar]ties to
264 whome suche guyftes are hereby given shall not enter to or meddle w[i]th the severall
265 Legacies, or guyfts to them given for the Terme and space of Five yeares after after
266 my decease, my intent, and meaninge and therein is that the sev[er]all proffitts, of
267 all suche coales, and coalepitts, coppyhould Landes, Leases, demeasnes, Tythes
268 and other the premisses before given and bequeathed, shal[l ]be received and taken du
269 ringe the sayd Five yeares by my sayd Supervisors whereof and whereonto I
270 will they shall allowe, as yearelie paye to my sonne Richard towardes his mayn
271 ten[an]ce (duringe the sayd Five yeares) the somme of twenty poundes And to
272 my sonne Thomas for his mayntenance at the schoole and in the Universite duringe
273 the sayd Five yeares) soe muche of the sayd proffitts as my sayd Supervisors
274 shall thincke fittinge. And lykewise to my daughter Meriell yearelie during the
275 sayd Five yeares soe muche thereof as by them alsoe for her mayntenance shal[l ]be
276 thoughte fittinge. And soe muche of the sayd proffitts as shal[l ]be needefull for the
277 renewinge of the Lease of my p[ar]te of the demeasnes of Kippax I will that it be
278 payde oute of the sayd proffitts for the renewinge and takinge agayne of the
279 sayd Lease. Whiche Lease I desyre maye be renewed to and for the benefitte, and
280 to the use of my sayd sonne Cutberd, and Martyn Bayldon, theire executors,
281 administrators and assignes. Another co[m]petent p[ar]te of the sayd proffitts I will
282 Shal[l ]be towardes the payenge of my Legacies. And the residue to be devided amongste
283 my Five sonnes, and twoe daughters. Item I give and bequeathe to Richarde
284 Gouldbroughe my nephewe and Elizabeth his mother ane Annuytye or yearelie
285 Rente oute of Eleven Poundes issuyinge oute of the Mannor of Kexbroughe in the County of
286 Yorke w[hi]ch I bought of his Father To have and to houlde the sayd annuytie or
287 yearelie Rente of Eleaven poundes to the sayd Richard Gouldbroughe & Elizabeth
288 his Mother in manner and forme followinge (That is to saye) the one halfe thereof
289 to the sayd Elizabeth the mother duringe her naturall lyfe And the other halfe in
290 possession. And the whole Annuytie in Rev[er]sion after the decease of the sayd mother
291 to the sayd Richard Gouldbroughe and the heires male of his body lawfully be
^ And for default of such issue to remaine to Clara Keighley or her assignes and the heires of her body lawfully Begotten
292 gotten forev[er]. ^ Item I give to my sonne Cuthbert and Martin Bayldon all my Righte,
293 tytle, interest, and Terme of yeares that I have in the Hall garth of Kippax at
294 Kippax aforesayd to them and theire assignes for all the Terme of yeares yett to come
295 and unexpired under the Rente and payments therein contayned (Provided allwayes & ex
296 cepted oute of this guyfte the firste Five yeares after my decease) The proffitts of
297 w[hi]ch
[page 7]
298 w[hi]ch Five yeares I will shal[l ]be taken by my sayd Supervisors and disposed of as the use
299 of the other proffitts before ment[i]oned are appoynted to be disposed for the sayd Five yeares
300 And I hartlye desire Sir Thomas Leedes and his Ladye, and Sir John Leedes their sonne
301 to surrender into the handes of the Lorde of the Mannor of Kippax accordinge to the custome
302 of the sayd Mannor all those coppyhould Landes and Tenements I boughte of them in
303 Kippax and trulye payde for to the use and beheese of Cuthbard Bayldon and Martin
304 Bayldon my sonnes, and their heires forever. To w[hi]ch sayd Cuthbart and Martin Bayl
305 don and theire heires I desyre the Steward of the Courte of the Mannor of Kippax to
306 graunte all suche Landes of myne as either uppon Surrender or seisure are yett in Lords
307 handes of the sayd Mannor ungraunted and shoulde to me have beene graunted. And
308 whereas above in this my present Last Will and Testament I have declared my
309 Will that William Powe and Elizabeth his wife uppon good considera[t]ion to
310 them given shall allsure and conveighe to Cuthbord and Martyn Bayldon my
311 Sonnes and their assignes their interest, Righte and tytle, in my Freehould
312 Lands in Kippax My will and meaninge is that (after the same be soe to them
313 conveighed) that they the sayd Cuthbart and Martyn Blaydon shall demise &
314 graunte the sayd Freehoulde Landes in Kippax soe to them assured unto the
315 aforenamed Frauncis Bayldon, my Grandechilde and his assignes for Terme
316 of the lyfe naturall of the sayd Elizabeth Powe Mother of the sayd Frauncis
317 Reservinge unto them the sayd Cuthbart and Martin Bayldon their executors
318 and assignes the yearelie Rent of Tenn poundes of current Englishe monye
319 duringe the sayd Terme. Soe as by the true meaninge of this my last Will
320 and Testament, my inten[t]ion is that the sayd Frauncis Bayldon shall have
321 the entier occupa[t]ion of all my Freehould Landes in Kippax. Item I give to
322 Dame Anne my wel[l ]beloved wife the Somme of one hundred poundes of
323 currant Englishe monye To be payde her w[i]thin a yeare and a halfe after my
324 decease. Whiche shee is content (together w[i]th the former Legacies in these
325 pa[r]te given to her) to take, in satisfaction of her whole Right to all my other
326 Goodes and Landes. Whiche I hartelie wishe, were to a greater value, only
327 to recompense her deserts towardes me w[i]th a better satisfaction. And therfore (w[i]th
328 a Fatherlye prorogative) I charge ev[er]y one of my children that they be lovinge, obedient
329 and dutyfull to her. Item I give to my sonne Colby my best horse. Item I
330 give to Frauncis Colby (my good sonne) Thirteene poundes, six shillings eighte
331 pence, to be payde him by my Executors when he shall accomplishe the age of
332 Fouertene yeares. Item I give to everie one of my wive's younger Sonnes Tenn
333 poundes a piece. And to Anne Colby my wife's daughter Fiftie poundes. And to
334 my sister Anne Askecombe six pounde thirteene shillings fouer pence of currant
335 Englishe monye. To be payed them wi[t]hin Five yeares next after my decease. Item
336 I give to James Leversedge, Twenty poundes of lyke englishe monye To be payde
337 w[i]thin Five yeares after my decease. Soe that he make noe clayme, nor wrangle, nor
338 challendge, to any of the Landes in Preston, w[hi]ch I hould to Richard Bywater. (All
339 (Althoughe I have a Release from him, under his owne hand and seale) whiche if
340 he doe, Then I will that this guifte be voyde. Then I give to [space] Claxton of whome
341 I have boughte parcell of my Landes at Preston Six poundes Thirtene shillings
342 Fouer pence To be payde within Five yeares after my deathe. Item I give to the children
343 of William Foyster one acre and a halfe of meadowe in Castleforth Inys in the
344 Five shillings acre that was theire fathers to them theire assignes duringe the whole
345 terme of yeares that I have therein at my deathe unexpired (They payinge the Rente
346 thereof) Item I give to Ralphe Arnould my servante Twenty shillings of lyke monye
347 Item I give to Margarett Jackson thirty shillings w[hi]ch I sent unto her. And to
348 Hellen Powe Fourtye shillings of lyke Englishe monye. Item I give unto Cuthbart
349 Bramham Twenty shillings of lyke monye. To be payde oute of the monye w[hi]ch his
350 Father
[page 8]
351 Father oweth me. Item I give to Dame Anne my wief all her Apparrell, Jewells,
352 Coache, Coache horses, and Furniture. And my will is that there be noe challendge
353 made to any Goodes, or Plate, that was hers before I married her. And my Will is
354 that the sayd Dame Ann my wief shall have, and use, all my Stocke of maulte
355 that shal[l ]be at Phippinge P[ar]ke at the tyme of my deathe during her lyfe of the Terme
356 of yeares in the sayd Parke soe longe contyneue Uppon condi[t]ion that the sayd Dame
357 Anne at the tyme of her departure from the occupa[t]ion of her p[ar]te of the sayd Parke
358 shall leave as muche Stocke in Maulte for my assignes or children as she there re
359 ceyved. Item I give unto my cosyn Henrye Norton the elder the somme of Twenty
360 poundes of currant monye. To be payde him oute of that Fiftye poundes w[hi]ch Sir
361 William Jnglesbye oweth me. Item I give to William Calverlye Twenty pounds
362 of currant monye To be payde him oute of the Fiftye poundes in Sir Wm
363 Jnglebies landes And the rest (I hope he will paye to my executors) And
364 I doe give to the widdowe of Oswould Riccard Five poundes To be payd
365 her in Five yeares if my wief will not allow it in her Rente by Twentye
366 shillings in the yeare Item I will that those my children w[hi]ch shall have
367 Phippin P[ar]ke assigned to them shall yearlie paye (after they have the
368 possession of any p[ar]te thereof to my niece Anne Mirfeild wief of George
369 Mirfeild the somme of Ffiftie three shillings fouer pence at Ladye daye &
370 the Feaste of St Michael yearlie by equall por[t]ions, soe longe (as the Terme
371 of yeares thereof to them assigned) shall endure if the sayd Anne Mirfeild
372 doe soe longe live. Item I give unto Elizabeth Prince widdow late wief of
373 William one Annuytie or yearelie Rente of Twenty shillings. To be payde her
374 by Cuthbart Bayldon and Martyn Bayldon my sonnes, oute of my coppyhold
375 Landes, and Demeasnes, of Kippax in these rents before given to them whiche
376 sayd payment to be payde (duringe the firste Five yeares) by my executors and
377 after the expira[t]ion of them by the sayd Cutbart and Martyn Bayldon duringe
378 the lyfe of the sayd Elizabeth Prince with payment to be by equall por[t]ions at Lady
378 daye, and St Michaell the Archangell. Item Whereas there was a Recogniz[a]nce
380 heretofore acknowledged by William Gascoigne esq[uir]e (and after knighte) to my
381 sonne Frauncis Bayldon, my will is that neither Sir Thomas Wentworth
382 knighte and Baronett, nor any other shal[l ]be molested, troubled or ympeached
383 by reason thereof but that my executors (upon demande) shall release the
384 same. Alsoe I doe acquite and release my Nephewe George Mirfield of a Recog
385 nizance he acknowledged to me, and likewise one Recognizance acknowledged
386 by Thomas Riccard, late of Cowick, and one John Huntingdon, to me, I doe also
387 release it to them, their executors, and assignes, thoughe I be behinde, and yet
388 unpayde some charges. Item I give unto William Powe fouer & twenty pounds
389 of currant Englishe monye to make up Fourtye poundes that I once promised
390 him to be allowed him oute of that monye w[hi]ch he oweth my Bonds for my croppe
391 when he and the rest, and for Oxen his p[ar]te of debt beinge Therescore seaven
392 pound And I doe acquitte him of all Reckoninge and accompts till the Feaste
393 of St Michaell one thousand sixe hundred fouertene before the date hereof
394 Item I give to John that was my brother Hilly Boye, (and nowe w[i]th my Sonne
395 Kighley) the somme of Twenty three poundes six shillings eight pence To be
396 payde w[i]thin twoe yeares after my decease before Bonds, and and all Reckonings,
397 (since the sayd Feaste) excepted The rest of my goodes, chattells and creditts
398 (not before given, and disposed of) I give to Richard, Cuthbart, Martyn,
399 Henrye, and Thomas Bayldon, my Sonnes, and to Sir Henry Gudrick, to
400 the use of my daughter Clare Kighley, and to Meriell Bayldon, my daughter
401 equallye to be devided amongste them And I do entreate. And I doe entreate
402 Sir Thomas Dawnaye knighte, Sir Henrye Gudricke knighte, Richard Hutton
403 Esquire
[page 8]
404 Esquire S[er]geant at the Lawe Thomas Wentworth of Elmsall and John Coleby esquire
405 and Robert Hawten gent to take uppon them the execu[t]ion of this my last Will and
406 Testament And I doe hereby nominate and appoynte the sayd Sir Thomas Dawney
407 Sir Henry Guderike knighte, Richard Hutton, Thomas Wentworth, and John Colby
408 esquires and the sayd Robert Hawtene executors of this my last Will & Testament,
409 in truste for the payenge of my Legacies and children’s por[t]ions and executinge of
410 this my present last Will and Testament And whereas above in these p[ar]ts I
411 have referred many things in this my Will to the oversighte, rule & disposall of
412 my Supervisors in this my last Will to be named I doe hereby entreate no[min]ate
413 and appoynte the sayd Sir Thomas Dawney, and Sir Henrye Gudricke kn[igh]ts
414 Richard Hutton Esquire and Sergeant at the Lawe, Thomas Wentworthe and
415 John Colbye Esquire, and the sayd Robert Hawtene Supervisors of this my last
416 Will and Testament. Geving them therby full power soe to dispose of my children
417 and theire Rights, and por[t]ions, that, (as neare as maye be) they be all made
418 equall in the partakinge of my goodes, chattells, and creditts. In wittnes wherof
419 I have hereto sett my hand seale the daye and yeare, firste above written. And doe
420 hereby revoke all former Wills, and Testaments by me and heretofore made in the pre[sen]ce
421 of William Gonnyage, Robert Hawten, Frauncis Jackson, William Powe, John
422 Tydnam
423 Frauncis Bayldon [signed]
424 Dicesimo tertio die mensis Novemb[re]
425 anno d[o]m[i] milli[se]mo sexcontesimo vicesimo secundo enanawit commission D[a]me Anne
426 Bayldon widowe Roline Sir Frauncis Bayldon imper de Medley in Com
thanks for you hard work - the task appears very daunting to me
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