Recorded: 2 Jun 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/40/374
Testator: John Foote, Tallow Chandler
Place: Royston, Hertfordshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: undated, probated 18 Jul 1558
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy
[Margin]: T[estament] Johis
[Margin]: Foote
1 In the name of God Amen I John Foote of R[oy]eston tallowghchandelor
2 being somewhat seeke in bodie and yet god be praised therefore hole in mynde and in my
3 parfite good memorye doo make and declare this my last will and testament First I
4 commende my soule holy unto t[he ]hands of Allmighti god trusting to be saved by his onlye
5 mercye whiche he dothe promise to graunte unto me freelie w[i]t[h]out any parte of my
6 desygninge or workes for Jesus mercies saake my only hole and sufficient redeemed and
7 savior praying him for the same Christs sake to contynue this faith in me unto the
8 end of my life First I geve and bequeathe unto the churche of Royston xx s I wille
9 and bequeathe that Helene my weif shalhave all my leases and tenements in Royston
10 or els wheare during her lif keeping all the same tenements in due reparacionnes according
11 as I am bounde by the leases thereof Item I will that all my children shalbe at the keeping
12 fynding and ordering of the saide Helene my wife so long as she shall enioye the saide
13 Leases and tenements Item I wille and Bequeath fower score pounds equally to be
14 divided amonges all my children Item I wille and bequeath unto Mawde Smythe
15 my s[er]va[un]te that she shalhave in money to be paid unto her at the daye of her marriage
16 or els within twoe yeres after my decease vj li xiij s iiij d Item I will and beque[a]th
17 that wheras my brother Foote oweth unto me iij li that the said iij li shalbe geven
18 to his two eldest children Item I wille and beque[a]th unto my wifes brother Richard
19 Warren the younger for his paynes xl s Item I wille and bequeath unto my wifes
20 Uncle John Jenawaye of Stoone for his paynes taking xl s Item I will and beq[uea]th
21 unto Helene my weif all the rest of my moveable goods which are not heretofore
22 bequeathed to have them to their owne proper use Item that the por[t]ions of my
23 said children shall remain in the hand of my saide weif being unmarryed or els
24 in t[he ]hands of her husbande whome she shall marrye if she shalbe content to enter
25 into reasonable bonds for the p[er]formance of this my last Will or els she shall
26 refuse to be bounde that thence the said porcionnes shalbe received by the said John
27 Jenawaye and Richard Warren and the children withal also and the porcionns to
28 be kept to the use of my children Item I wille that yf my said wife shall marrye that
29 thence her husbande with one other sufficient and able p[er]forme at the discretion of John
30 Jenawaye and Richard Warren shalbe bounde to the said John and Richard in a rea
31 sonable somme as will for the keeping of the saide tenements and ev[er]ye of them in due
[Page 2]
32 reparacionnes as also for the p[er]formance of this my last Will But if my said wif being un
33 marryed or her husbande or either of them shall refuse either to keepe the said rep[ar]cionnes or otherwise
34 to fulfille this my last Will That theme the said John and Richard shall entre into all my tenements and
35 keepe them in their owne possession repaire them sufficientlie and the profittes therof to pay th[e ]one half to
36 my wif and the rest to be bestowed in the keeping of my children Item if my saide Wif or her husband
37 shall fall into any greate necessitie that then the saide John Jenaway and Richard Warren may and shall
38 entre upon all my saide tenements and leases and sell them and the money therof received th[e ]one
39 half to be geven unto Helene my wif and thither half to be employed upon my children Item if my
40 saide wif shall dye during the yeres of my saide leases Thenne the said John Jenaway or Richard
41 Warren or the longer liver shall entre into the said tenements and leases, and the profittes therof
42 receive to the funding of all my children until their full ages and after the said full ages then
43 to those of my twoe sonnes indifferentlie to them bothe or to the longer liver of them And if bothe
44 my sonnes dye thenne to my daughters and to the longer liver of them Item I geve and bequeathe to
45 Rob[er]t Foote my sonne a goblet wi[th] a fetherbedde and a bolster and cov[er]let with twoe payer of sheetes
46 Item I geve and bequeathe to John Foote my sonne a silv[er] salte a featherbed w[i]t[h] bolster and coverlet with
47 twoe payer of sheetes Item I give and bequeathe to Ales Foote my daughter iij of my best spones
48 a featherbed with a bolster and coverlet and two payer of sheets Item I geve and bequeathe to
49 Elizabeth Foote my daughter also iij of my best spones a fetherbedde with a bolster and coverlet
50 and two payer of sheetes The Residewe of all my goods moveable and unmoveable I geve and
51 bequethe unto Helene my wif whome I make my sole Executrice of this my last Will and testament
52 thies being witnesses by me Will[ia]m Meese Citizen and grocer of London John Jenawaye
53 by me Nicolas Warreyn of Bassingbowre and Richard Warreyn of Bassingborne w[i]t[h] other
54 Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum cora[m] d[omi]no apud London xviij die mensis
55 Julij Anno d[omi]ni Millesimo quingentesimo quinquagesimo octavo Juramento Helene Relic[ta]e et executricis
56 in h[uius]mo[d]i testamento no[m]i[n]ate Ac approbatum et insumatu[m] [ac legitime pronunciatum pro eodem] Comissaq[u]e fuit administracio omniu[m] et sing[u]lore
57 bonor[um] iurium et c[red]itorum [eius]dem defuncti prefat[ae] executici de b[e]n[e] [et fideliter administrando eadem] Ac de pleno et fidel[iter] jnuenta[rio]
58 nemon de pleno et viro compoto ieddend[o] [Ad sancta dei Evangelia] iurat
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