Recorded: 1 Jun 2013
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/113/164
Testator: Robert Foote, Yeoman
Place: Shalford, Essex, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 27 Jan 1608/09 , probated 15 Feb 1608/09
Condition: 17th century English, legible copy
[Margin]: T[estament] Roberti
[Margin]: Foote
1 In the name of God Amen The Seaven and twentith
2 day of January A Thousand Six hundred and eight I Robert Foote of
3 Shalford in the county of Essex yoman being sick in body and commending my
4 soule to the mercy of god in Christe doe hereby dispose ordayne and make this
5 my present last will and Testament revoking all former wills in manner
6 and forme following That is to say: Item I gyve and bequeath to the poore
7 inhabiting within the parish of Shalford Twenty shillings of lawfull money
8 to be distributed amongst them within one moneth after my death at the
9 discretion of the churchwardens and the Overseers for the poore. Item I
10 further give and bequeath to the poore inhabiting within the parish of Wethers
11 field Twenty shillings of like money to be payd and distributed amongst them
12 in manner as is before expressed for the parish of Shalford Item I give and
13 bequeath unto my welbeloved wife Joan Foote during her natural life all such
14 yearely rent as to me is reserved out of my lease of certain Tenements which
15 I hould for divers yeares yet enduring by the grant of S[i]r Robert Chester knight
16 and lyeing and being in the Towne of Royston The yearely rent whereof to me
17 reserved is at this present eight poundes And she to receive the same yearely
18 from the Te[ne]ments in such manner as by their Leases they stand charged to pay
19 the same Item further I give and bequeath unto my sayd wife one yearely
20 Annuitie of fower poundes of lawfull money to be payd unto her during her natural
21 life by my Sonne Robert Foote Twenty shillings every quarter the first payment
22 to begyne at the first usuall quarter that shall happen after my decease Item
23 I gyve and bequeath to my sonne James Foote fiftie pounds of lawfull money of
24 England To be payd unto him by my Executor hereunder named within one moneth
25 after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Danyell Foote forty
26 pounds of lawfull money of England To be payd unto him by my Executor when
27 he shall accomplish the age of fower and Twenty yeares Item I give and
28 bequeath unto my Sonne Nathaniell Foote forty pounds of lawfull money of
29 England to be payd unto him by my Executor when he shall accomplish his age
30 of fower and Twenty yeares Item I give and bequeath to Frauncis Foote
31 my Sonne fortie pounds of lawfull money of England To be payd unto him by
32 my Executor when he shall accomplish his full age of fower and Twenty yeares
33 Item I give and bequeath unto Josua Foote my Sonne Forty poundes of like money
34 money To be payd unto him by my Executor when he shall accomplish his age of
35 fower and Twenty yeares Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth
36 Foote Forty pounds of lawfull money of England To be payd unto her by my
37 Executor at the day of her marriage or when she shall accomplish the age of thirty
38 yeares which of them shall first happen And it is my will and mynde that my
39 Executor shall allow and pay unto her yearely forty shillings of lawfull money
40 untill such tyme as she shall receive the sayd Legacy into her owne possession To be
41 payd unto her every half yeare Provyded always and it is my will and mynde
42 that yf any of my six children before named shall happen to depart this life before
43 such tyme as they shall accomplish their severall ages or day of maryage before
44 expressed That then the legacy or legacies so to them (so departed) before bequea
45 thed shalbe equally and proportionably devided to and amongst all my children
46 which ar that tyme I shall have lyving part and part like Item I give and
47 bequeath unto Joseph Foote my sonne All that my lease and terme of yeares
48 which I have in a certain hopground called Plomley which I hould by lease from
49 Mr Josyas
[Page 2]
50 Mr Josyas Clarke and [missing] his wife for certayne yeares yet enduring and to
51 come Together with all my Stock of hop poles being upon the same to inioy the same as
52 his owne proper goodes And further I gyve unto him Two hundred and a half of my
53 other hop poles which I have at home Item I gyve and bequeath unto my welbeloved
54 wife out of my moveable goodes and houshould stuff such part and portion as hereafter
55 is particularly recited That is to say Item my best bedsteed my best fetherbedd and
56 bolster two of my best pillows the best blanket and covering and fower payre of my
57 best sheetes with two of my best pillow beeres Two Table clothes and a dozen of
58 napkins Two Towells my best presse cupboard in the parlor with my best table but
59 one One forme and three stooles Six greate Cushions Item three pewter platters
60 three pewter dishes fower pewter saucers fower pewter porringers and one pewter
61 salt Item two sylver spoones and six brasse spoones Item my best chest Item further
62 I gyve and bequeath unto my sayd wife To be delivered unto her by my Executors fower
63 loades of wood yearely for so long tyme as she shall inhabit in my dwelling house To be
64 delivered her out of my stock of wood in my yard and from of the ground belonging to my
65 tenement or dwelling house and there to be expended and not elswhere Item I give
66 and bequeath to Elizabeth Ormes my mayd servant Twenty shillings of lawfull
67 money To be payd unto her within two moneths after my decease Item I give and
68 bequeath to [missing] Tibbet the wife of William Tibbet five shillings in recompence
69 of her paynes she hath taken with me Item I give and bequeath unto Mr Richard
70 Rogers preacher of God hys word Twenty shillings of lawfull money to be payd by
71 my Executor within two moneths after my death Item I give to the wife of
72 George Elsing three shillings and fower pence Item I give and bequeath to Thomas
73 Cott eleven shillings which somme he oweth unto me Item I give and bequeathe
74 unto Robert Foote my sonne and unto his heires and Assignes for ever All that my
75 free Tenement or mansion house wherein I now inhabite with thapurten[an]ces together
76 with all the land belonging to the same and as the same is now in my occupation with
77 all my stock of hop poles being upon any of the hopgrounds of the premises as well
78 newe poles as ould Provyded always and nevertheless upon this condition That
79 yf he the sayd Robert Footes his heyres Executors and Administrators doe not
80 according to the confidence and trust that I have reposed in him performe pay
81 and discharge all such legacies payments and bequests as I have geven and
82 bequeathed in this my last will and Testament either to my wife or children
83 or to any other Then my will and mynde is that such (being either my wife or
84 any of my children as shall not be answered and payd such legacy or legacies as I
85 have hereby bequeathed unto them) shall enter upon the premises with the
86 hop grounds and this stock upon the same until such tyme as they and every of them
87 shalbe satisfied their legacy or the acrerages of any such shalbe unpaid The
88 residue of all my moveable goodes and Chattles whatsoever my debt payd and
89 my legacies performed and my body decently brought unto the earth I doe give
90 and bequeath to and amongst all my children aswell unto them before named as unto
91 any other of my children that shalbe lyving at the tyme of the giving of the
92 Accompt concerning this my will to be payd to them part and portion alike That
93 is to say To such of my children as hereinbefore I have given legacies unto at
94 such tyme and dayes as is before expressed and sett downe And for the rest of
95 my children to be payd within six monethes after my decease And yf it happen
96 my daughter Mary Hewes to be departed Then her part to be payd to her
97 children. And for the Execution of this my last Will and Testament I doe
98 ordayne nominate and appoint my welbeloved sonne Robert Foote to be my sole
99 Executor And I doe desire my welbeloved brother John Foote of London grocer
100 and my sonne in law John Hewes of Royston to be Supervisors and Assistants
101 to my Executor concerning this my Testament In witness whereof I the sayd
102 Robert Foote
[Page 3]
103 Robert Foote thelder have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare
104 herein first written, and in the presence of those whose names be hereunto subscribed
105 By me Robert Foote Sealed and delivered in the presence of William Tibbed
106 and of me Edward Raymond The marke of William Tibbett
107 Probatum fuit suprascriptum Testamentum coram venerabili viro
108 magistro Thomas Edwardes legum doctore Surrogato venerabilis viri domino
109 Johanne Benet militis legum etiam doctoris curie Prerogativae Cantuariensis
110 magistro custodis sive commissarij legitime constituti decimo quinto die
111 mensis Februarij Anno domini inxta cursum et computationem ecclesie Anglicane
112 Millesimo Sexcentesimo Octavo juramento Roberti Foote filij dicti defuncti
113 et Executoris in dicto Testamento nominate cui commissa fuit administratio
114 bonorum jurium et creditorium dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter administrand
115 eadem Ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat
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