Friday, August 16, 2013

Letter from Henry Motz to Land Boards concerning Indian purchases and cessions

Documents relating to the granting of lands to Loyalists in the Province of Quebec (includes present day Quebec and Ontario).

Transcriber: Edward Kipp
January 2011
Source: Library and Archives Canada

RG1 L4 Vol. 3 LAC mf C-14026. PP. 288-290. Land Board Minutes and Records.
Letter from Henry Motz to Land Boards concerning Indian purchases and cessions.


Quebec 21st January 1790

I am commanded by Lord Dorchester to acknowledge the receipt of Your Report of the 17th of October, and to signify to You, that a strong desire of exercising the high equity, liberality, and good faith towards the Indians, as well as the white people, which it is the duty of every servant of the Crown never to depart from, for the honour and dignity of the King’s government, was the leading principle of the restrictions contained in His Lordship’s Instructions to you of the 2nd of September, but that His confidence in Your judgement & integrity, will always incline Him to hold You justified in the prudent exercise of such discretionary authority, as, on account of the remoteness of the district, it may be

[In the margin]
To Major Murray 60th Regt or
Officer Commanding at Detroit
William Dummer Powell Esqr
& The other Commissioners of
The Land Board for the District
of Hesse

necessary for the Board to assume, for a more perfect discharge of their trust, under unforeseen circumstances, taking for granted, that a religious adherence to the same principle, which actuates His Lordship will be maintained by the Board, in all such cases.

Confined to the information hitherto obtained His Lordship perceives no ground to support that there is any pretence of equitable claims within any other Indian purchases or cessions, than that of June 1784, and consequently, that You will find scope for Your trust to operate in every other part of the district.  You will therefore be very particular in Your minutes if You shall see cause in the exercise of Your discretion to give hopes to persons that indulge expectations under such Indian Grants, as were not made agreeable to the Royal Instructions, nor have yet had the countenance or approbation of the government.

Wm McKees Memorial for a tract ceded by the Indians to the Crown, on the 15th of May 1786, with the deed left herein his behalf, is inclosed for the consideration and proceeding of the Board, agreeable to their general instructions.

I am Gentlemen
Your most obedient
humble servant
(signed) Henry Motz
H. M.

Letter from H Motz to the Land Board the 21st January 1790

Read in Committee 30 Novr 1790.

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